As many of you know, over the weekend one of our attorneys was involved in a major bicycle wreck.  The good news is that he is home recovering. 

He was riding in a pace line at close to 25 mph.  As the group approached a controlled intersection, the first rider in the pace line stopped for a yellow/red light, and our favorite cyclist went over the handle bars landing on his head and left shoulder. He destroyed the bicycle helmet he was wearing and cracked it all the way through.  He broke a couple posterior ribs, his left clavicle was in pieces, he broke his wrist and had severe road rash.  His injuries landed him in the hospital, but it could have been so much worse.  The helmet saved his life.

This week, we’ve been discussing the facts on bicycle helmet safety.  Studies show that helmets are the single most effective way to reduce head injuries and fatalities resulting from bicycle crashes.  More than 51,000 bicyclists have died in traffic crashes in the United States since 1932, the first year that bicycle fatality estimates were recorded.  Yet, despite the fact that nearly 70 percent of all fatal bicycle crashes involve head injuries, only about 20 to 25 percent of all bicyclists wear bicycle helmets.  And yes, even the best of riders can be involved in a crash.

Today, we’re letting everyone know that at Bache & Lynch, we think bicycle helmets are a really good idea.  Like this post if you agree, and if your life has been saved by a bicycle helmet, let us know!