Has your loved ever been a resident of Desert Life Rehabilitation & Care or Villa Campana Health Care(now known as Kindred Care)?  These facilities have been cited with multiple deficiencies including: failure to make sure that each resident’s nutritional needs were met, failure to give each resident care and services to get the or keep the highest quality of life and failure to have a program to keep infection from spreading.

According to the Arizona Daily Star, last summer Kindred Healthcare facilities in Tucson were ordered to pay almost $15,000 in fines for some of these infractions.

If your loved one is or was a resident of one of these facilities, be sure to check on them regularly to ensure that they are receiving the proper care.  If your loved one is not receiving adequate care, consider contacting an attorney and be sure to report any violations to the facility and the proper authorities.  For more information and resources on elder abuse, contact the National Center on Elder Abuse.

Have you been injured?  Contact Bache & Lynch today for a free consultation: (520) 293-5300.