As Hurricane Irene’s aftermath is impacting  the East Coast, it is important to review some good safety habits and tips on survival during a natural disaster.

While we may not have hurricanes here in Southern Arizona, the monsoon season is upon us. Drivers should remember to exercise extra caution on the road. The Arizona Department of Transportation recommends reducing your speed when driving in the rain, wait a short time after the rain starts to use your wipers(the blades may cause smearing if your windshield is dirty), to be extra careful during the first 30 minutes after rain begins as grime and oil on the road surface mix with water and make the road slippery and to not cross flooded washes. If you see a part of the road that is barricaded due to flooding, turn around! A driver of a vehicle who drives around barricades is liable for the expenses of an emergency response that is required to remove the driver or any passenger in the vehicle that becomes inoperable in a public street or highway. 

One might not think of the sun as being a hazard. But as much as we enjoy the Arizona sun, remember that the sun causes glare when driving in the early morning or late afternoon. You can reduce glare by keeping your windows clean, wearing sunglasses and using your car’s visors.

If you have any doubts about driving in stormy weather or any adverse weather condition, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

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